
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Sowing History: The Judean Date Palm’s 2,000 Year Old Comeback
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
For 1,000 years the Judean Date Palm has been extinct, likely wiped out due to human warfare which took a toll on the palm plantations that required copious amount of water and care in the harsh desert environment.
The fruit from this particular species was said to be unusually sweet and was valued for its medicinal properties. Appearing on ancient coins and in ancient texts and given as gifts to Roman emperors, these dates were a symbol of property, beauty, and abundance.
This treasured fruit was lost to history—until two scientists dared to try the ‘impossible.’
In the 1960’s archaeologists excavating at Masada, a fortress built near the Dead Sea by King Herod the Great and used as the last stronghold for Jewish rebels between 70 and 73CE at the end of the first Jewish-Roman war, turned up something surprising—a 2,000-year-old jar of Judean Date Palm seeds.
For 15 years Dr. Elaine Solowey and Dr. Sarah Salon painstakingly germinated and cultivated this species back to life, and in 2020, the ancients world’s favorite date was brought back to life. Join me as we explore one of history’s most incredible comebacks 2,000 years in the making.

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
From the Cache: Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer and the Coelacanth
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
It was believed the Coelacanth went extinct along with the dinosaurs around 66 million years ago when the Chicxulub impactor smashed into planet Earth…that was until Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, curator of the East London Museum, found one in a pile of fish on a dock in South Africa in 1938.
This primordial fish shocked the scientific world when the first-ever living specimen was pulled up by Captain Hendrik Goosen while he was trawling for fish near the mouth of the Chalumna River. The Coelacanth was dubbed a “living fossil” though it was eventually discovered that it had continued to evolve over the last 400 million years. Come hear the story of how one determined scientist saved the world’s first extant Coelacanth specimen, and what exactly makes this strange, ancient species so special.
This episode originally aired two years ago. I hope you enjoy (again)!

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
From the Cache: History’s Happy Little Accidents
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
From the cache! Until an all-new episode premiers this October, please enjoy this recast. Bob Ross, American painter and iconic TV host of the 80s and 90s, famously told us that there are no mistakes, only “happy little accidents.” There are numerous examples of history happening by accident--archaeologists accidentally stumbling upon a find, scientists accidentally discovering a breakthrough--and today we explore four such stories.
First, we travel to 1856 when a teenager accidentally discovered mauve and synthetic dye while he was on vacation, which led to the pioneering of immunology and a Nobel prize. Then we head to 1940s France, when a group of teenagers chasing after a dog accidentally stumbled upon Lascaux cave, one of the greatest prehistoric finds of all time. Then we travel to 1767 to visit the Ayutthaya kingdom just before it was invaded by Burma. Almost 200 years later, a seemingly unremarkable statue pulled from its ruins finally tells its secrets: the Golden Buddha or, Phra Phuttha Maha Suwana Patimakon, is now one of the world’s most famous statues, and if it hadn’t been for an accident in the 1950s, we would all still believe it was made of nothing more than plaster and colored glass. Finally, we skip ahead all the way into the 2000s for a look at some accidental breakthrough MS research.
Come join me as we uncover some of history’s most incredible happy little accidents.

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Unsinkable Sam
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
During the chaos of World War 2, soldiers on both land and sea found companionship and comfort in the animals they had with them. From horses to goats, the animals serving alongside the soldiers of WW2 saw action on battlefields the world over.
Today we’re exploring the life of one particular animal who survived the sinking of three different battleships, including the infamous Bismarck. His name was Oscar, then Sam, then quite appropriately, Unsinkable Sam.
Unsinkable Sam was a black and white tabby cat who was allegedly rescued from a floating plank after the chase and historic sinking of Germany’s Bismarck. After surviving one of the most famous navel battles of all time, its said that Sam went on to survive the sinking of both the HMS Cossack and the HMS Ark Royale.
Join me as we uncover the legend of a cat who survived three different shipwrecks and still walked away with several of his nine lives to spare.

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
The Great Stink of 1858
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
During the summer of 1858, a drought coupled with a heatwave, the lack of a proper sewer system, industrial waste, a booming population, and an increase in the usage of new flush toilets all came together to form a perfect storm of putrid petulance in London that was so bad historians gave it its own name: The Great Stink.
The Great Stink was so foul it would send Londoners into fits of vomiting if they went anywhere near the Thames. The river’s unsanitary conditions made for a city ripe with illness. In an age where water transmitted diseases were not well understood, the people of London believed 'miasma' or the foul air itself was to blame. As physician John Snow went to work attempting to convince the world that cholera was spread through contaminated water, Joseph Bazalgette was drawing up plans for the largest infrastructure overhaul Victorian London had ever seen.
Come with me and uncover the history of a smell so foul that historians are still talking about it today, and hear about the mad dash to save the Thames which, according to Charles Dickens himself had become, "a deadly sewer.”

Wednesday May 31, 2023
The Second Life of Betty Robinson
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
In 1928 Betty Robinson astounded the sports world by winning the first Olympic gold medal in history awarded to a woman for the 100-meter race after only running competitively for five months.
While training for the 1932 Olympics set to take place in her home county, Betty was involved in a tragic accident and her diagnosis was heartbreaking. Doctors told her she would never run again.
Betty disagreed.
After years of rehabilitation and training Betty arrived at the 1936 Berlin Olympics as part of the U.S. relay team. What happened next because one of the greatest comeback stories of all time.
Please join me as we uncover the phenomenal true story of Olympian Betty Robinson.

Wednesday May 10, 2023
The Lady Franklin Bay Expedition Part 2: Their Legacy Remains
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
We continue the story of the tragic Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, also known as the Greely Expedition, in the Canadian Arctic. We pick back up and Camp Clay on Cape Sabine after the crew had fled their previous station when their relief ship had failed to arrive a second year in a row.
At their new outpost, the crew finally realized they were on their own for another Arctic winter, one they were not prepared for. Their rations were dwindling and death from starvation came quickly. Most of the crew struggling to survive at Camp Clay would never see home again.
When the few survivors returned after their long-awaited rescue, they were met with scandal. Accusations of cannibalism followed them for the remainder of their lives and the data they died for was virtually dismissed. It sat collecting dust for a century until now, when its importance has finally been recognized.
The data taken by the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition has been used to help us understand how global warming has impacted our planet, and 140 years later, we’ve finally come to understand its importance.
Join me for the finale on the true story of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, as we uncover a 140-year-old legacy that still remains.

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
The Lady Franklin Bay Expedition Part 1: No Way Home
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
In 1881 an expedition to the Arctic led by Lieutenant Adolphus Greely and organized by the US Army set off for Lady Franklin Bay, Canada, well above the Arctic circle. The plan was to establish a temporary meteorological-observation station as part of the First International Polar Year, a worldwide effort to better understand Earth’s climate by collecting astronomical and magnetic data.
Most of the data was collected by astronomer Edward Israel, a young University of Michigan graduate from Kalamazoo.
Though their mission of data collection was successful, and they would set a record for traveling further north than anyone at the time ever had, this expedition would go down in history as one of the most tragic polar expeditions of all time.
Join me for a true Arctic tale like no other.

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Ken Allen: The Hairy Houdini
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
In the 1980s a series of high profile escapes brought attention to an unlikely culprit. His name was Ken Allen and he just may be the greatest escape artist the animal kingdom has ever seen. Ken was a 250 pound Bornean orangutan born and raised at the San Diego Zoo.
Ken escaped his enclosure several times despite the zoo’s constant and expensive security upgrades. Although Ken continued to outsmart his keepers, when he did escape, he chose not to go anywhere. Instead, he simply sauntered around the zoo shaking hands with tourists and enjoying watching the other zoo animals.
Ken Allen achieved fame after his escapes garnering his own fan club, the Orang Gang, merchandise with the slogan “Free Ken Allen” pasted onto T-shirts and bumper stickers, and there was even a hit song about his life called “The Ballad of Ken Allen.”
Come hear the incredible true story of the wily, lovable orangutan known as the Hairy Houdini.

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Édith Piaf: The Little Sparrow, Part 2
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Few artists ever rise to the level of talent, fame, and legendary status attained by the remarkable Édith Piaf. Though her life seemed a whirlwind of celebrity and success, in reality La Môme Piaf, or the Little Sparrow, was struggling with a troubled past, depression, and a myriad of health issues all intensified by her addictions.
Despite all her trials and tribulations, she conquered the music world, and remains one of the most celebrated musicians of all time. Her life is just as staggeringly fascinating as her music.
We pick up the finale on Édith after the murder of her mentor and friend Louie Leplée, and finish the true story of the little sparrow who would become a phoenix, an unstoppable force of epic proportions, though her fire would fade far too soon.
Please join me as we finish exploring the astonishing life of Édith Piaf.

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Édith Piaf: The Little Sparrow, Part 1
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
If heroes get remembered and legends never die, then Édith Piaf will live forever.
Édith Piaf was a chanteuse unlike any other of her time. She rose to fame in the 1930s and led a life just as incredible as her music. From a street performer to an icon, Édith overcame incredible obstacles to reach the top. Her songs like “La Vien En Rose” and “Je Ne Regrette Rien” are still some of the most popular ballads played today.
Born into poverty to a street singer and an acrobat, Édith had an unconventional childhood, some of which was spent being raised in a brothel and traveling with the circus.
After WW2 broke out Édith aided the French Resistance by covertly helping prisoners of war escape from Germany, saving lives at the risk of her own.
Her fame in France was unmatched, though addiction and tragedy would cause her ending to come far too soon.
Today, join me for Part 1 of 2 on the life and legend of Edith Piaf, “the Little Sparrow.”

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
The Great 1908 New York to Paris Auto Race: The Finale
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
The finale is here! After nearly 22,000 miles, or over 35,000 kilometers, we finish the Great 1908 New York to Paris Auto Race. This episode covers the entire trek through Siberia and Europe.
After nearly six months of a grueling auto race before gas stations, highways, asphalt, road maps, or power steering, our remaining competitors in the American Thomas Flyer, the Italian Zust, and the German Protos brave the huge expanse of Russia, something no one else had ever done in an automobile. They face floods, bandits, malaria, hail, freezing rain, bogs, and, as always, a string of mechanical mishaps all coming together to bring you the most exciting episode in this series.
Six cars began this journey, only three remain. Come discover the historic ending of what just may be the greatest race of all time.
Adventure awaits. Let’s go for a drive.

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
The Great 1908 New York to Paris Auto Race Part 3
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
The four remaining cars vying for victory in the 1908 New York to Paris auto race had covered one continent, now there were two to go. In an era before highways and gas stations, nothing about this race had gone as planned.
Now, the German Protos was headed for Russia, the Italian Zust, American Thomas Flyer, and French De Dion were crossing the Pacific for Japan.
Behind them were 11,000 miles of countless unpredicted disasters and a pathway carved through grit and perseverance. Before them was another 11,000 miles of the unknown. Safety and success were not guaranteed. Failure was much more likely. The only thing they knew for sure was that no matter the outcome, they were about to make history.
Join me for part 3 of history’s most epic race.

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
The Great 1908 New York to Paris Auto Race Part 2
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Eleven days into the legendary 1908 New York to Paris auto race, the fastest of the five remaining cars had covered less than 1,000 miles. In this episode our drivers finish shoveling their way across the eastern US, meet the mud of Iowa, the mountain passes of the American Rockies, and the hottest place in the US--Death Valley--where death claims its first victim in the race.
After the frontier of Alaska proves too much for the seemingly uncatchable Thomas Flyer, the race route changes. Now, the last of our plucky protagonists are shipping out to Russia, but not before making a historic landing in Japan.
Join me for Part 2 as we continue our epic journey across 22,000 miles of adventure.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
The Great 1908 New York to Paris Auto Race Part 1
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
In 1908 six cars lined up for the longest, most demanding race the world had ever seen. Their goal was to race, by automobile, from New York City to Paris, France. The route crossed three continents, was just under 22,000 miles (over 35,000 kilometers) long and, of course, nothing went as panned.
Was this ridiculous attempt at a half-thought through idea an impossible task at a time when horses were more reliable than cars? Yes. Did they do it anyway? Kind of.
Join me as we travel back to 1908 for the greatest road trip of all time.
Let’s go for a drive.

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
When Harry Met Winnie: The True Story of Winnie the Pooh
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
In 1914 Harry Colebourn, a Canadian soldier and veterinarian from Winnipeg, was on his way to fight in WW1 when he purchased a bear cub at a train station. That bear would go on to help inspire one of the world's most beloved characters. Her name: Winnie.
For nearly a century the stories of Winnie the Pooh have delighted children around the world. When A.A. Milne first published “Winnie the Pooh” in 1926 neither he, nor his son Christopher Robin Milne, could have ever guessed at how massively successful and life changing the books would be.
Come explore the true story of Winnie the Pooh. We meet the real Winnie, her friend Harry, and discuss the life of A.A. Milne and how his fame impacted the real Christopher Robin.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Stingy Jack and the Origin of Jack-o’-Lanterns
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
It’s officially Halloween season and chances are you’ve already seen a considerable amount of Jack-o’-Lanterns. Perhaps you’ve even carved one yourself, taking part in a centuries old tradition. But where does this old Celtic custom come from? Today we explore the origins of Jack-o-Lanterns, discuss the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, and meet Stingy Jack, the cheeky character who just may be behind the origin of the term ‘Jack-o-Lantern’ itself. Wrap up and grab some cider, today’s history is served up with an extra side of spooky.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
From the Cache: A Strange Experiment on Mackinac Island
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
From the cache! Until an all-new episode this October, please enjoy this recast on Dr. Beaumont's strange experiment on Mackinac Island.
In 1822 French Canadian Fur Trader Alexis St Martin was shot in the side at a distance of less than one meter. The experiments following his miraculous survival just may be the weirdest piece of history ever seen in the Straits of Mackinac.
The bullet wound left a hole in St Martin’s side giving Dr. William Beaumont the first ever access to a living human stomach. The doctor would tie pieces of food to a silk string and dangle them down into St Martin’s stomach in order to better understand the process of digestion. Nearly 250 experiments were performed over a decade.
Dr. Beaumont’s book on his experiments the paved the way for our understanding of the human gastric system and earned Beaumont the title as the "Father of Gastric Physiology."
St Martin lived his entire life with a bullet hole his side. He was buried in a secret location eight feet below ground with two feet of rocks on his coffin to deter grave robbers from stealing his corpse or his stomach, which was highly sought after when he died.
Come hear the true story of Dr. William Beaumont and Alexis St Martin in this extra strange episode of the History Cache Podcast.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
From the Cache: The Edmund Fitzgerald
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
From the cache! Until an all-new episode premiers this October, please enjoy this recast on the legendary Edmund Fitzgerald that originally aired in 2020. In 1975 the gales of November billowed out a monster storm over the waters of Lake Superior, and the crew of the Edmund Fitzgerald met it head on. By the time the sky cleared, the crew and their ship had become an inseparable part of the history and lore of the Great Lakes. In this very special episode of the History Cache, we uncover the history behind the shipwreck, try and understand what happened the night it disappeared, and hear some of the haunting audio of the search captured through Coat Guard transmissions on that fateful night. This is the story of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Ornamental Garden Hermits: History’s Weirdest Job
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
If you strolled through an English garden in the 1700s, you might have stumbled across someone employed in what just may be history’s weirdest job. Because, in Georgian Britain, it was all the rage to hire your very own ornamental garden hermit.
These hired hermits would live in solitude for years, never speaking, never washing, never leaving the grounds. They never cut their hair, their fingernails, or toenails, and would be clad in the outfit of an ancient Druid (or what everyone thought an ancient Druid would have looked like), all for the amusement of the rich elite and their guests.
In this episode we explore the particulars of this strange job and all the ways in which wealthy land owners would try to acquire hermits, as well as the lengths they would go to if they couldn’t find one.
We’ll also be meeting one of the last hermits around today, a man in a long line of recluses who have inhabited a cliffside in Saalfelden, Austria for the last 350 years.
While we’re at it, we pop into ancient Rome, take a stroll along Hadrian’s Wall, say hello to the Caledonians, and find out what a small hermitage in Tivoli, Italy has to do with 18th century garden hermits.
Join me as we explore what just may be history’s weirdest job.

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Joe Carstairs Part 3: The Kingdom of Whale Cay
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
In this finale episode on the incredible life of Joe Carstairs we examine Joe’s life after she earned her place in history as the fastest woman on water. In 1934 Joe purchased Whale Cay, an island in the Bahamas, then known as the British West Indies. Here she built a life in exile, and integrated herself into the economic and social history of the Bahamas.
We cover her experiences on the island, her attempts to aid both British and American forces during WW2, her meeting with the Duke of Windsor and Wallis Simpson, the complicated impact she had as a colonist, the death of Ruth Baldwin, the love of her life, her eventual move to Naples, Florida, and the last years of her life.
Join me as we conclude our series on the relentlessly interesting life of Joe Carstairs.

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Joe Carstairs Part 2: The Fastest Woman on Water
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
In Part 2 we continue to explore the relentlessly interesting life of Joe Carstairs, known as the fastest woman on water. We cover her impressive series of wins, the records she broke, and her years long pursuit of the famed Harmsworth Trophy against Gar Wood, the cup’s all time most successful competitor.
In this episode we meet both Ruth Baldwin, the love of Joe’s life, and Lord Tod Wadley, a doll that would become increasingly important to Joe, adding another layer to her reputation as an eccentric. We cover her life after she retires from racing and her purchase of Whale Cay, an island in the British West Indies, now the Bahamas, where she would spend the next four decades.
Join me as we journey back in time and continue to uncover the fascinating life of Joe Carstairs.

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Joe Carstairs: The Fastest Woman on Water Part 1
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Joe Carstairs is remembered for being the fastest woman on water in the 1920s. She raced power boats, won trophies, and loved adventure and speed. But her life was so much more than races and fast machines. Born in 1900, Joe was a British eccentric, an heiress, openly a lesbian, and shed many gender conformities of her day.
She served with the American Red Cross in France during WW1, established the X Garage, a chauffeuring business employing a staff of all female drivers and mechanics who had learned their skills while serving during the war, and after receiving some notoriety from racing, Joe bought Whale Cay, an Island in the Bahamas, which she ran almost as if it were her own country.
Her life was so full and colorful it became clear early on that this would have to be a two-part series. This is part one of a deep dive into the relentlessly fascinating life of Joe Carstairs, the fastest woman on water.

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
The Death of James Dean and the ”Curse” of Little Bastard
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
On September 30th, 1955 the life of film icon James Dean was tragically cut short while he was driving his brand new Porsche 550 Spyder, which he named “Little Bastard,” to its first race in Salinas when he was involved in a near head on collision.
After the wreck, Little Bastard was declared a total loss and sent to a salvage yard. Some of its parts were used in other race cars and the body was toured around the US until 1960 when it disappeared. Over the years rumors of a “curse” began to circulate due to the tragedies and strange events, including one verified death, that seemed to follow the wreckage of Little Bastard, though most claims continue to be unverified.
Come explore what Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Star Wars original trilogy), the death of racing enthusiast Troy Lee McHenry, the 1966 Batmobile designer George Barris, NASCAR statistics, and an innocuous fire in Fresno have to do with the history surrounding the death of James Dean and the alleged “curse” of Little Bastard.

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Historic Pranks
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Laughter is a universal language and today we celebrate humor through the ages by exploring three historic pranks. The first involves Anthemius of Tralles, one of the main architects involved in building the Hagia Sophia and a genius who really knew how to hold a grudge. Then we skip ahead several handfuls of centuries to uncover the Great Moon Hoax of 1835 when a newspaper editor for The Sun ignited a hoax that had everyone looking to the moon for bipedal beavers, bat-like humanoids, and even a unicorn. After that we head to the 1950s near Atlanta, Georgia where three guys, a $10 bet, a fake UFO sighting, and one unfortunate "Monkey from Mars" show us just how quickly a prank can go too far.

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
History’s Happy Little Accidents
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Bob Ross, American painter and iconic TV host of the 80s and 90s, famously told us that there are no mistakes, only “happy little accidents.” There are numerous examples of history happening by accident--archaeologists accidentally stumbling upon a find, scientists accidentally discovering a breakthrough--and today we explore four such stories.
First, we travel to 1856 when a teenager accidentally discovered mauve and synthetic dye while he was on vacation, which led to the pioneering of immunology and a Nobel prize. Then we head to 1940s France, when a group of teenagers chasing after a dog accidentally stumbled upon Lascaux cave, one of the greatest prehistoric finds of all time. Then we travel to 1767 to visit the Ayutthaya kingdom just before it was invaded by Burma. Almost 200 years later, a seemingly unremarkable statue pulled from its ruins finally tells its secrets: the Golden Buddha or, Phra Phuttha Maha Suwana Patimakon, is now one of the world’s most famous statues, and if it hadn’t been for an accident in the 1950s, we would all still believe it was made of nothing more than plaster and colored glass. After that, we head all the way into the 2000s for a look at some accidental breakthrough MS research.
Come join me as we uncover some of history’s most incredible happy little accidents.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
The Red Ghost: Lost Camels of the American West
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
In the 1880s a beast was rampaging through the deserts of Arizona. Known as the Red Ghost, this creature quickly became thrust into legend and folklore, but it was an echo of a real piece of history. The Red Ghost, which may have existed—not as a monster but as a camel—was a remnant of a piece of history largely forgotten.
In 1855 the US allocated funds for the importation of camels. They were part of an experiment to determine whether camels would be useful for transportation and military operations as the US pushed it’s territory towards the Pacific. Known as the Camel Corps, the experiment would ultimately fail despite initial success. The US Civil War would put an end to the Camel Corps and the transcontinental railroad would largely reduce the need for transport animals out west.
But the camels that were part of the experiment still remained, and some of them would roam free for decades throughout the Wild West.
It’s time to tell their story.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Shackleton Update: ENDURANCE FOUND
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Shackleton’s Endurance has been found! In this special bonus episode, we explore everything we know so far about the find. The Endurance was the ship that carried Shackleton and his crew towards what they thought would be an Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, which began in 1914. However, ice floes would prevent the explorers from ever setting foot on the mainland of Antarctica. Instead, they would embark on a two-year journey of epic survival. Against all odds, all of them would survive, and now, 106 years later, we can once again set eyes on their ship. Come hear everything we know so far about this remarkable, once in a lifetime find.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
On Cheating Death and Inventing the Saxophone
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
In 1846 Antoine-Joseph "Adolphe" Sax received his patent for the saxophone, but not before he cheated death at least seven times. He was so accident prone that his own mother didn’t believe he would survive childhood. His close calls with death earned him the nickname “Little Sax the Ghost.”
Sax’s life was a roller coaster of ups and downs. Mired the backstabbing world of invention, he fought years of legal battles, narrowly escaped death multiple times, battled cancer in the 1850s, and still helped shape music history.
Both hated and loved in his own time, Sax would revolutionize the French military band, register over 40 different patents, and invent 14 different types of saxophones as well as an entire family of saxhorns.
Come explore the surprisingly tumultuous history of the saxophone.

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
A Heist at Lincoln’s Tomb and the Snarky Farewell of Mr. Accordion
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
In 1876 a bumbling group of Chicago counterfeiters broke into Abraham Lincoln’s tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Illinois, after formulating a plot to steal the president’s body and use it as leverage to get counterfeiter Benjamin Boyd released from prison. Boyd worked for small-time crime boss Big Jim Kinealy, and Big Jim’s attempted heist would, with the help of a secret service informant, go down in history as an utterly bad idea.
Then we jump ahead a century to explore the snarkiest tomb in history. Roy Bertelli, known as Mr. Accordion, regularly stood atop his own grave, which is a stone’s throw from Lincoln’s, to loudly play his accordion for the sole purpose of being as annoying as possible. After a row with the cemetery management over their attempt to seize his grave plot, Roy spent the rest of his life letting them know they wouldn’t be getting it back, even over his dead body. Come hear why his delightfully cantankerous story earns Mr. Accordion the gold in posthumous snark.

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
The Real Treasure Island
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
350 miles off the cost of Costa Rica lies the legendary Cocos Island. Over the centuries it’s been a refuge for pirates, mutinous mariners, and the obsession of hundreds of treasure hunters. Some believe it was the original inspiration for Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Treasure Island.
Though little evidence exists for the purported billion dollars worth of treasure said to be hidden within its shores, it has seen centuries worth of strange and interesting history. Pirates like Captain Morgan, Benito Bonito, Captain Edward Davis, Captain Bennett Grahame, and the mutinous Captain Thompson used the island as a haven and, some believe, left treasures such as the Devonshire hoard, the fabled treasure of Lima, and pirate booty on the island.
Subsequent centuries saw hundreds of treasure hunting expeditions. Some brought dynamite, one dug an irrational series of tunnels for two decades, at least eight exploded, many were evicted or arrested, and all left empty handed.
In this all new episode we explore the historical figures and incredible events surrounding this island and the treasure hunting expeditions carried out by those who became obsessed with the legends surrounding this real Treasure Island.

Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Stagecoach Mary
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
There are many legendary figures who emerged from the American Wild West. In this all new episode we explore the life of the lesser known, though no less incredible, Mary Fields, who has come to be known as Stagecoach Mary.
Born enslaved, Mary was emancipated around the age of 33 after the American Civil War. Eventually she moved west to the Montana Territory. There she worked alongside the Ursuline nuns and Jesuits at St. Peter’s mission until she was dismissed for an incident involving drawn firearms.
Mary was a mold breaker and was unafraid to push against the expectations of others. She drank, smoke cigars, carried firearms, and sometimes wore men’s clothing. She was also someone of great generosity and won the admiration of many people in Cascade, Montana.
She was an unstoppable force, and at the age of 63, became history’s first African American Star Route Carrier for the US Postal Service. This was a dangerous job, but despite the threat of predators, bandits, rugged terrain, and harsh winters, Mary and her mule Moses never missed a day in her eight year tenure as a Star Route Carrier. If the whether became impassable for her stagecoach, Mary would deliver the mail by snowshoe, carrying the sacks over her shoulders.
Mary became a legend in her own time as stories of this gun carrying, cigar smoking, hard liquor drinking woman who seemed to break down every barrier thrown her way, earned Mary her place in history.
Come hear how the life of Mary Fields become the legend of Stagecoach Mary.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Hans Trapp the Christmas Scarecrow
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
A mythical holiday legend grew from the life of Hans von Trotha, a medieval knight who served in both the German Palatinate and the French court of Louis XII. His life had some tumultuous twists and turns: excommunication, exile, and a row with a Benedictine abbot over Berwartstein Castle that nearly destroyed the town of Weissenburg.
After his death, history was transformed into lore, and this chevalier d’or, “knight of gold,” became a monster whose tale is still told in several regions of France and Germany.
Come learn how myth turned the medieval knight Hans von Trotha into Hans Trapp, the Christmas scarecrow.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
The 1904 Olympic Marathon: History‘s Most Ridiculous Race
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
The 1904 Olympic marathon is remembered as history’s most bizarre race. Running in tandem with the St. Louis World’s Fair, or the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the 1904 Olympics were the first games hosted by the US. Given the disorganization, poor international turnout, and competition with the World Fair’s 20 million visitors, the 1904 games were perhaps doomed before they started. But no single event would ever compare with the absurd chaos of the marathon. From wild dogs to a professional clown on performance enhancing drugs, this race had it all.
We also delve into the history of the ancient Olympic games and explore how an ancient festival honoring Zeus became a worldwide modern event.
Come hear the unbelievable true story of the 1904 St. Louis Olympic marathon.

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
When History Falls From the Sky
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
48.5 tons of meteoric material falls onto our planet every day, which has made for some stellar history. Today we explore history that has fallen from the sky. We begin in Egypt by examining the meteorite dagger of Tutankhamun, then we travel to Sylacauga, Alabama in the year 1954 when Ann Elizabeth Fowler Hodges became the first documented person in history to be struck by a meteorite. After that we travel 50,000 years back in time to hear the story of the basket meteorite, a special piece of space rock that made its way to Northern Arizona’s Meteor Crater twice thanks to a yard sale and a retired Wisconsin man. Grab your space suit and tune in for an episode that’s truly out of this world.