
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Olympias Part 1: Witch of Epirus, Mother of Alexander the Great
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
The woman Olympias lived almost 2,400 years ago, around 373 BCE. Her legacy is one of controversy. For over two thousand years she has been represented as the vindictive, blood thirsty mother of Alexander the Great. But who was she really? What is the true story that unfolds when we peel away the layers of two millennia of propaganda? Was the most powerful woman in Greece, who believed she was descended from Achilles, really a monster? Or have we been missing the whole story? Come relive the epic life of Olympias and find out what happens when we breathe life back into the story of a woman that helped create an empire.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
The First Robot
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Robots have revolutionized our world and are continuing to do so at an exponential rate. But what was the first robot? Who invented it? What will the future of robotics look like? And what happens when robots kill? This episode examines the evolution of robots, the history behind them, our fear of them, and where it all might be headed.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Why Does Fruitcake Even Exist? Eggnog, Yule Logs, and a Cannibalistic Christmas Troll
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Why does Fruitcake even exist? Can we blame the ancient Romans? How old is eggnog? What exactly is a Yule Log? Discover the ancient origins of our favorite--and not so favorite--holiday food traditions in this special holiday history byte. I even give you George Washington's actual recipe for eggnog! After that, we'll head to Iceland and meet Gryla the Christmas troll, her menacing Yule cat, and find out why you should thank your grandma for getting you those socks for Christmas.

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
The Lost Voyage of Shackleton: The Edge of Human Endurance Part 5 of 5
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
The finale is here! Come find out just how one of the most inspiring stories of human endurance ended. We head back to Antarctica and watch the crew of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition make history as Shackleton attempts one last desperate attempt at a rescue mission. This episode has all the answers you've been waiting for.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
The Lost Voyage of Shackleton: The Edge of Human Endurance Part 4 of 5
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
In 1914 the 28 member crew of the Endurance left to trek across the continent of Antarctica on foot. It is now the beginning of 1916. Their ship has been crushed, they've been stranded on the ice with no way out, and they've taken to the boats in a last ditch effort to escape the ice melting beneath them. In Part 4 we hear what happens next as they head for the yet unexplored Elephant Island, and Shackleton with a sets out on an 820 mile open boat journey on the roughest sea passage in the world to either find rescue, or doom them all to an icy grave.

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
The Lost Voyage of Shackleton: The Edge of Human Endurance Part 3 of 5
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
In Part 3 of Shackleton's Lost Voyage, we join the stranded crew of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914, who have been stranded on the ice now for well over a year. Their ship has been crushed, starvation and madness have begun to set in, and they've been trapped by the ice and sea with no way out. In this episode, we watch as they make a desperate escape attempt while the ice splits beneath them, before heading out towards the unknown on the open sea.

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Père Lachaise Cemetery: A History of Death in Paris
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Join me on a tour of Père Lachaise Cemetery and explore the tombs of some of histories most incredible icons including Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Isadora Duncan, Abelard and Heloise, and Chopin. We examine the cemetery's history, make a side tour to the catacombs beneath Paris, and explore the dark moments in history that have occurred in Père Lachaise since its establishment by Napoleon. Let's go to Paris!

Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
The Screaming Mummies of Guanajuato and a Horde of Egyptian Cats
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
In this two story episode we travel to Guanajuato, Mexico, and discover a cache of mummies that were literally evicted from their graves. Then we head to Beni Hassan, Egypt, where a farmer digging a well in 1888 accidentally stumbled upon one of the largest hoards of cat mummies ever found, and, possibly, an ancient, illegal crime ring of cat killers (seriously). We also meet Bastet, the ancient Egyptian goddess that started it all.

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
The First Monsters
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
In this episode we explore history's first monsters. From the prehistoric beasts that stalked our ancestors to the first mythological oral traditions, then to the first ancient written accounts through the modern day; this is the history of what scares us. What were the first monsters, why do we fear them, and why do we need them? Let's find out and examine the first things that appeared from the darkness.

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
The Lost Voyage of Shackleton: The Edge of Human Endurance Part 2 of 5
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
In Part 2 of Shackleton's Lost Voyage, the crew of the Endurance find themselves frozen fast in the Antarctic pack ice in 1915. In this episode, we examine the psychology behind what happens to the human mind during the long Polar Night as we join the crew on the next leg of their journey. Disaster, heartbreak, and uncanny resilience unfold in this second chapter before the finale of Part 3.

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
History Byte Halloween Extra: A British Cowboy and the Cremation of Sam McGee
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Poet, adventurer, bard of the Yukon, and British cowboy (that's a thing) Robert W. Service (1874-1958) is showcased in this week's history byte, followed by a retelling of his spookiest of poems, The Cremation of Sam McGee.
This is the first of THREE EXTRA episodes premiering this month just for your Halloween season enjoyment, so pumpkin up that coffee, put in those ear buds, dust off that Necronomicon, and go nuts.

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
The Lost Voyage of Shackleton: The Edge of Human Endurance Part 1 of 5
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
In 1914 the crew of the Endurance left to trek across the continent of Antarctica on foot. Led by Sir Ernest Shackleton, they believed their journey would bring them adventure, scientific discovery, and fame. What actually unfolded would become one of the greatest stories of human endurance the world has ever seen. Crushed by ice, lost, and wandering at the bottom of the world, they would harrow the most severe environment on Earth as they gave everything to make it home again. Come hear the story of the Trans Antarctic Expedition and the polar explorers that colored in the last pieces of the world's map.

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
History Byte: Animal Astronauts
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Come and meet Ham the astronaut chimp and discover how the animal astronauts of history just may have saved us all. Also featuring Space Dogs and one phenomenal Astro Cat for an episode that's literally out of this world.

Friday Aug 30, 2019
History Byte: A Swearing Parrot Ruined Andrew Jackson's Funeral
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Come and meet Poll, a presidential parrot so extra that his epic level of snark still lives on today.

Friday Aug 30, 2019
The Shuar of the Amazon and How to Make a Shrunken Head: Part 2
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Join us for Part 2 where we finish our exploration of the fierce, mysterious, and fascinating Shuar. This unconquerable tribe resisted conquest from both the Incan and Spanish empires, and was the only tribe in history to successfully revolt against the Spanish empire--and win. Find out who they were, who they are now, and buckle up for some truly epic Amazonian history.

Friday Aug 30, 2019
The Shuar of the Amazon and How to Make a Shrunken Head: Part 1
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Hidden in the deepest interior of the Amazon lived the fierce, mysterious, and fascinating Shuar. This unconquerable tribe resisted conquest from both the Incan and Spanish empires, and was the only tribe in history to successfully revolt against the Spanish empire--and win. Come meet them in Part 1; hear their story and find out just what made them so epically unstoppable.

Friday Aug 30, 2019